How it Works
When registering for Fingal Alerts you can identify both your Home and Work locations. This means that you will only receive relevant alerts related to your identified locations rather than alerts for all over the County. For example if you live in Swords and work in Blanchardstown, then you may receive alerts for both locations or for areas on the direct route between these two locations. However you will only receive alerts for the categories you have registered for (e.g Water Alerts).
You can register by clicking the button below. Registration requires that you supply your mobile number and email address so that can deliver alerts to you. You also have the option of adding a Landline number. It is planned to use this phone number to issue recorded voice messaging alerts in the future.
Once you create your account you can always log in and change your settings. If you wish to "unregister" for various alerts then this is easily carried out through your "Edit your account" page at any time. Similarly if you change your home or work location then you need to use our interactive web map to accurately map your new location on the Update Home Location or Update Work Location Page.
This is a free service which is provided by Fingal County Council and This means that there are no registration costs and there are no charges to receive SMS or Emails. Please note that the information that you provide will only be used in connection to supplying you with your chosen alerts.
We look forward to sending you alerts on Fingal Alerts!