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Prior Warning Notice removed from Velvet Strand

Miscellaneous Alert, Aug. 23rd 2023
Prior Warning Notice removed from Velvet Strand Portmarnock. “excellent” water quality results at Velvet Strand, The Brook beach, Portrane, Claremont Howth

Prior Warning Notice removed from Velvet Strand Portmarnock.

Please be advised that the Prior Warning Notice issued for Velvet Strand Portmarnock on August 18th has now been removed following test results of excellent water quality.

The results of the samples collected on 21st August have all met with “excellent” status for the following beaches;

Velvet Strand beach, Portmarnock

The Brook beach, Portrane

Claremont beach, Howth

Members of the public can check for water quality at any of the monitored bathing waters in Ireland in advance by accessing the EPA website at or by checking the notice board at the entrance to each beach. 

To view  an explanation of the standards used for reporting results of bathing water please go to

For further information on beaches and bathing water see Beaches and Bathing Water

For information on Lifeguards this week see Lifeguards Provision 

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